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Recent stuff: ABC, Stereogum, Spin, Pitchfork, Sound of the City

ABC World News Webcast: Loney Dears’s Dear John Pains Of Being Pure At Heart S/T Progress Reports on Stereogum: Nick Thorburn (Islands, Human Highway) The Wrens (in Q & A form, because they’re hilarious) Grizzly Bear Spin Magazine reviews (I think this is the same print issue

M.I.A. interview part 1 | Pitchfork.tv

I look really eager, don’t I? I told Maya I wore that top because it had a pattern that reminded me of her Kala artwork (it’s why I bought it too), a sort of blue handmade digital design. M.I.A. interview part 1 | Pitchfork.tv.

M.I.A. interview part 1 | Pitchfork.tv