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New pieces: rollingstone.com and Pitchfork

I’m writing again! I had a bit of a break because I was employed by publications that didn’t want me doing music writing for other places, which was a bummer. But that’s a common part of full-time staff life. Anyway, I wrote my first little bits for

A few recent work related things: ABC, Sound Of The City, Stereogum, Spin

I’ve gotten really bad (for whom, for what?) at posting recent work and clips and stuff, so I’m going to try to do this on a weekly basis. So, this week. I subbed for ABC’s Dan Harris over at his weekly online indie rock interview show, Amplified.

How I judge music

Pitchfork’s internal editing system lets me see my past review scores all in one place. Since I don’t review stuff very often for them, I was a little surprised to see the numbers all in one place like that. It turns out I’m a high grader. Or

How I judge music