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What's going on in Austin?

Three years ago, which was about five months into my “professional” music writing career, I personally put a manila folder of clips into Rob Tannenbaum’s inter-office mailbox at Blender. A few days later he emailed me some nice comments, and also a little critique: You’re writing within the

What's going on in Austin?

Pitchfork Music Festival

Mark and I’s trip to Pitchfork Festival started out terrible, got worse, then got better, then got worse, then ended great. Thanks for the memories: 1-Arriving tired and with bags still in hand just in time to miss Man Man (making a liar out of me), Destroyer, Art Brut

Pitchfork Music Festival

Recent little bits / Alden Penner

Calexico interview on Pitchfork. I wish I could still use the prefix ‘hometown heroes’ because I love that. Tucson represent. A lil’ Goldfrapp review and a lil’ profile of The Appleseed Cast for Spin’s band of the day. I was sick and missed all of No Fun Fest, which

Recent little bits / Alden Penner