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What I'm reading: February 4

What I’m reading: February 4: * Susan Sontag’s Journals and Notebooks. – By Katie Roiphe – Slate Magazine – * Essay – Consider the Philosopher – After the Death of David Foster Wallace – NYTimes.com – * Final touch: A cosmetic lift for your funeral? – Health care- msnbc.com – A really great photo essay on after-death cosmetic

What I'm reading: February 4

What I'm reading: November 19

What I’m reading: November 19: * Silent Party #5 | Pitchfork – Eric Harvey sort of breathlessly goes through Kanye West, iTunes’ Genius feature, privacy, and the British Journal of Psychiatry * New York Times headlines that read like Zen koans. – By Jessica Winter – Slate Magazine – * Move Over, My Pretty, Ugly Is Here

What I'm reading: November 19

What I'm reading: July 9

What I’m reading: July 9: * Why we need movie critics. – Slate Magazine – Will someone make a similar argument for music critics? I don’t think they can, just for the simple economics of what’s being critiqued. Now, when new movies ‘leak,’ when it becomes just as easy to

What I'm reading: July 9