Three Legged Race / Eagles Of Hair Metal

Three Legged Race, Eagles Of Hair Metal @ Tonic | July 22 2006

The L train was down, and I was working on more useless internet crap, so
we missed the Bushwick arts thing, but still got to catch Keith Fullerton Whitman as part of the Eagles Of Hair Metal (with Alan Licht, Mike Berstein, Greg Kelley and Tamio Shiraishi). Didn’t stay for Prurient or Death Unit, but did see other act Three Legged Race compose pulses with what looked suspiciously like Mark’s inherited dictation machine. That made me want to try to do something with his dictation machine, which just today we were talking about putting on craigslist. Mark preferred Three-Legged Race, but I think I liked the Eagles better. He likes things more composed, and I guess I like things less so. Standing outside before the show, we saw maybe 5 rats in 30 seconds, flitting between an abandond lot and the underside of a parked car, and I kept on thinking TLR was the sound of those rats turned up and transposed a few octaves. If that holds, then Eagles of Hair Metal were their insides, fatty and sludgy, guts glugging back and forth during the short sprints. ‘Cept for Shiraishi’s little sax puffs, which sounded like when you blow up a balloon, hold it between your fingers, then let go.*

Noise shows sometimes make me uncomfortable, because even at regular shows when I say we’re on the list, the door guy/girl(!?) will still look at Mark and ask for his name, even if I made the approach. “I’m-with-him” vibe is so much stronger when you’re surrounded by hims.

* Or it’s the sound of KFW’s beard.