Thanksgiving recipes / review aggregation

I thought about how I use reviews over the holiday weekend.

I went online to find vegan Thanksgiving recipes (I’m not vegan so I have no idea how to cook for them) and noticed that the only recipes I considered making were ones that had online reviews. I skipped recipes from the Food Network and picked ones from either blogs that had comments, or from places like Post-Punk Kitchen, where readers rate the recipes with stars.

Later that night I saw “Twilight.” I saw it despite the reviews, based on the fact that actual viewers seemed to love it and that, aggregated together, its Rotten Tomatoes score wasn’t that bad. I didn’t read any individual reviews.

But I get angry that people don’t use critics or experts for their music purchases and I’ve argued against using Amazon or iTunes Genius to make decisions. I don’t know why I’m such a hypocrite.