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I have some thoughts about Titanic 3D

(First I have to disclose that I work for Viacom, which owns Paramount, which is releasing Titanic 3D. But please make no mistake: If you see Titanic I will make money. Boatloads of it. Something like $3 per ticket or $2 if you take home your returnable glasses.) Men cry

Sex and the City, fantasy film

As Mark took a photo of a group of women dressed up for the midnight opening of Sex and The City, realized that SATC is the adult female Star Wars, or LOTR, or Harry Potter. It’s not just the fan community; the film itself has many parallels: Gender privilege:

Sex and the City, fantasy film

200 Motels

Right now I’m watching 200 Motels. I rented this movie my freshman year of high school, and I’ve rented it four or five times since then. I’m not a Frank Zappa fan, but I had a friend who was, and who recommended it to me. I remember

200 Motels

How many times has Bruce Willis saved the world?

Estimated: 7 Disputed: Unbreakable — Implied will save world. Fifth Element — May save world. 12 Monkeys — May have saved world, if ontological paradox does not exist Undisputed: All Die Hards. Armageddon: Ex. “The United States government just asked us to save the world. Anyone wanna say no?”

How many times has Bruce Willis saved the world?

Midnight movies

In a few hours I’ll be leaving the apartment to get in line to see Spiderman. I got the tickets a few weeks ago. This will make Spiderman III the latest in a long line of movies I’ve insisted on seeing at midnight on opening day. Other films

Midnight movies