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Maybe I Should Just Put This Post in My Signature Line

I’m steadily getting my Gmail and work email count back down to zero with the help of The Email Game, Saneinbox, and some increasingly intense conditional filters. As I’ve gotten close to zero, I’ve realized a few things that I didn’t realize before I began working

TheInterviewr - A Web App for Recording Interviews

Now that I’m a full-time editor again I haven’t interviewed anyone in about a year, so I haven’t kept up with new apps and tools for interviewing and transcribing. Actually, that first part isn’t 100% true. I just interviewed my friends Chris and Courtney about their

Drafts is Quicksilver for Your iPhone or iPad

I am still devoted to Quicksilver, even though other, friendlier launchers like Alfred, have overtaken it in the Mac app launcher field. I spend a lot of the time I save using Quicksilver wishing that other applications were as elegant and simple as Quicksilver. Drafts is a newish iPhone app,

If you care about something you should measure it

Over the last couple years I’ve become a huge believer in self-quantifying.  It started with Your Flowing Data, a website that let me take measurements of whatever useless bits of biographical information I wanted to keep track of: The number of times I ate lentils that year, what movies

How to record and transcribe interviews quickly and cheaply

I like finding computer-based ways to do my job cheaper and faster. Most of these methods are to cover up for my natural procrastination: using hotkeys, text inserters, autoresponders, and capture tools helps make up for the time I spent Googling “child riding boa constrictor.” I really, really love finding

How to record and transcribe interviews quickly and cheaply