Recent stuff: ABC, Stereogum, Spin, Pitchfork, Sound of the City

ABC World News Webcast:
Loney Dears’s Dear John
Pains Of Being Pure At Heart S/T

Progress Reports on Stereogum:
Nick Thorburn
(Islands, Human Highway)
The Wrens (in Q & A form, because they’re hilarious)
Grizzly Bear

Magazine reviews (I think this is the same print issue as the last batch, but I think Spin staggers print reviews when they put them online):

Beirut / Realpeople March of the Zapotec / Holland

Black Gold Rush
Asobi Seksu Hush
Vetiver Tight Knit

Pitchfork reviews:
Deerhoof Live EP

Benjy Ferree Come Back To The Five And Dime, Bobby Dee Bobby Dee

Sound Of The City:
Listening to Sufjan’s “The Lonely Man of Winter” in Crown Heights