Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson, ninnyish noblemen boast in major

The only good anagram I could find for Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson was “ninnyish noblemen boast in major.” I didn’t talk about this with Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson, but I did talk to him about his LP Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson. The guy was awesome, actually: self-deprecating but super confident, funny and full of stories. There was one I couldn’t include about his grandmother disappearing to follow a traveling tent revival. Or another about how he doesn’t own a computer, but does have a Blackberry. Sometimes talking to a nice guy can make that nice guy’s CD even better, and I don’t know if that’s a good way to form opinions about a record. Luckily, I had formed mine a month or so before.

Possibly the song of the year:
[audio:|titles=Buriedfed|artists=Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson]

I’ve also updated my work page with some stuff from Pitchfork, Paper and Paste—I realized I hadn’t put up anything since Sept 2007, which seems to imply I hadn’t worked since then. I most certainly have been working, and for places that don’t start with P, too.

Should I have a tumblr? I registered one a long, long time ago, but didn’t really update, and now it seems like everyone has one, especially people that write. I think that the work/stress of writing all day makes one-button photo/quote publishing extra appealing. And someone told me my blog was very ‘plain’ and ‘texty’ but! I like text, I haven’t gotten tired of text.