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I am testing that dream.

Jessica Suarez
Jessica Suarez
1 min read
I am testing that dream.

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Seeing Weezer for me is probably like seeing My Bloody Valentine for a lot of other people–or maybe not. Maybe it’s really like seeing Liz Phair, where you know there’s something great there that got sorta misplaced or deferred or scared out of the person, or maybe that something great was the flash so there’s nothing really to return to because that was the detour. I talked about the Weezer show last night here, but one other thing I wanted to mention about “El Scorcho” was that Rivers Cuomo did sing the first few lines, but with his hands over his face, half covered, half shielding his eyes so he could gaze at the audience. I don’t know what this means.

Meanwhile, I’m working on some other freelance stuff, thanks to this:

But it is not free of any cost or obligation.

village voiceconcertsirlmusic writing


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