Beirut Interview On P4k

My favorite part of interviewing Zach Condon, from Beirut, was teasing him about dating older women. There’s just one line about it in the Pitchfork interview, but there’s this directly after that part:
JS: So you said when you played the hometown show, you were no longer Zach who dropped out of high school, but were you also Zach who dates older women? How does that become part of your…

ZC: No! I wouldn’t say so. It’s just an aside, kind of. You know.

JS: We’re not talking insanely older, right? You’re 19. You’re young. You’re 20 now

ZC: I used to date girls in their mid-20’s, so.

JS: Ok, yeah. Who else are you going to date?

ZC: It’s more just a reflection of my circle of friends. I’ve never been the kid in the group, but I’ve never hung out with people my age either.

JS: It seems like you spent a lot of time with your older brother, so maybe it comes from that.

ZC: He’s very much the one who brought me into that. And when you’re 13 with the 18-year-olds, you tend to stick with it.J

JS: Ok, I’m going to assume that you mean hanging out with friends, and not dating. Because that would be more unusual.

ZC: That would be sweet, though.

Zach was fun to interview, though I wish I could have put in more about his musical tastes (before he went over to Europe and discovered Balkan music he did IDM and loves Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin). Lately my favorite Beirut track has been their live cover of “Siki Siki Baba,” which Zach talked about in his MP3 list on Said The Gramophone.
EDIT: Beirut’s violinist (I don’t remember her name, but she’s very good!) said to me tonight that girls must have been quite excited to read that Zach dates older women. I doubt he’s interested in hooking fans this way. So I don’t know, is it bad that I tried to appeal to the lowest common denominator (as in, lots of people, not disparaging girls at all)?