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Jessica Suarez

If you care about something you should measure it

Over the last couple years I’ve become a huge believer in self-quantifying.  It started with Your Flowing Data, a website that let me take measurements of whatever useless bits of biographical information I wanted to keep track of: The number of times I ate lentils that year, what movies

The redesigned SPIN is like a Lana Dey Rey song

A month ago SPIN debuted its new, redesigned, bi-monthly format. As both a music editor and a former writer of music reviews for SPIN, I was curious about it, though in a personal-low-stakes kind of way. If I were still freelancing for SPIN, I’d worry about their decision to

I have some thoughts about Titanic 3D

(First I have to disclose that I work for Viacom, which owns Paramount, which is releasing Titanic 3D. But please make no mistake: If you see Titanic I will make money. Boatloads of it. Something like $3 per ticket or $2 if you take home your returnable glasses.) Men cry

I was hacked and it sucked

A couple weeks ago I was doing a little lite self-Googling when I found a new link on my website: Viagra UK. I clicked on it — I mean, how could you not? And it brought me to a Canadian-based online pharmacy. I had been hacked with the Pharma hack. This

Don't Stop Til You Get Enough

My birthday happened a few weeks ago, and my birthday bar party happened a couple weeks later. I’ve had this idea — to insert myself int a Michael Jackson video — for a while, but my birthday seemed like the right time to follow through. Bizzy also talked to Nate and

Menu Bar Showcase

I realized that my computer glow’s been keeping me up past my bedtime. I went looking for a solution and found a small program called Flux, which changes the color of your monitor as the light changes. It sits in your menu bar. That’s when I also realized

Make Your Own NPR Station

I mentioned using an iTunes script to insert NPR news updates into my daily listening. The Doug’s AppleScripts version hasn’t worked for me in a while — probably because it hasn’t been updated since 2007. I did a little tweaking, and now it works just fine. It doesn’

How To Get Through A Big Pile Of New Music

Right now I’m working through a playlist of several hundred tracks from different sources: Email attachments, CD rips, RSS feeds, Etc. A lot of this listening is a job. And like any job, I’ve thought about how to organize and streamline it. It would take a lot of

How To Get Through A Big Pile Of New Music

Curating and editing is a skill (or an art, or both)

I just read something very bothersome, although it’s probably more bothersome to Rich, my editor at VH1 (who also runs FourFour (I may be the only person who knows those things in that particular order)), than it is to me. Quickly: Rich edited together this supercut of moments in

Curating and editing is a skill (or an art, or both)

Op-Ed By Fucked Up's Damian Abraham: Bands Should Play In Arizona Now More Than Eve

Before I go any further, I want to say that this is in no way meant as an attack on the bands that have chosen to boycott Arizona as a reaction to this bill. I think they have their reasons for choosing this tactic to try a force the repealing

Op-Ed By Fucked Up's Damian Abraham: Bands Should Play In Arizona Now More Than Eve